Maestro's Maniac Mansion!

Brandon is a Brachiosaurus, although small for his kind he is a bit big headed. He thinks he knows all and that leads to other dino's not liking him very much. However he is kind hearted and he means no evil.
Trica has run into too much rock formation to proof he is the strongest of his kind that his brain function are abnormally low, even for a dinosaur.
The youngest of the gang and also the smartest. He is also very quiet most of the time but does feel that without him the group would be lost. With him too but that does not really matter.
Biggie, whether it is his real name or just a simple way for other dino's to refer him too is not known. He is a major ass and likes being that. He does however cares for his fellow adventurers and would do anything to make sure they are not harmed...much.














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